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Steps to apply to Walter State Community College?

I'm thinking of applying to Walter State Community College. What steps should I follow for the application, and are there any key deadlines or documents I must prepare? Any advice would be appreciated!

18 days ago

Applying to colleges like Walter State Community College can seem overwhelming, but with a few methodical steps, it can become manageable and even exciting. Here are the important steps you should follow:

1. Online Application: Your first step is to complete the online application provided on Walter State Community College's website. Make sure that you read and understand their instructions carefully, as you fill out details about your academic history, extracurricular activities, and your intended program of study.

2. High School Transcript: After completing the online application, the next step is to have your high school send an official transcript to Walter State Community College's Admissions Office. Your high school guidance counselor should be able to help you with this process.

3. Standardized Test Scores: Walter State Community College does not require SAT or ACT scores for admission. However, providing scores can help you to be placed in the appropriate level of courses, especially in English and Mathematics. So, if you have taken the SAT or the ACT, consider sending your scores.

4. Residency Verification: Tennessee students must verify their legal residence status. The process varies depending on your personal circumstances, and the college provides full instructions on its website.

5. Health Records: Some colleges, such as Walter State Community College, may require health records as part of their application process. Be sure to confirm any such requirements from the college’s health services.

6. Financial Aid: If you require financial assistance, you need to submit your FAFSA and include Walter State Community College in the list of colleges to receive your information. The school does provide scholarships as well.

As for deadlines, although community colleges often have rolling admissions, it's still advisable to apply as early as possible, especially if you're applying for financial aid. Additionally, certain programs may have their own deadlines or requirements, so be sure to double-check the specifics of your intended program.

Do keep in mind that these steps may vary slightly depending on whether you're a first-time college student, a transfer student, or an international student. Always check with the college's Admissions Office if you have any doubts.

18 days ago

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