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How do I check my Austin Community College application status?

I've submitted my application to Austin Community College but I'm not sure how to track the status. Can someone explain where I can find updates on my application?

2 months ago

At Austin Community College, you can easily check your application status online. Once your application has been processed, which can take up to a week, you can check your application status by logging into your Self Service account. Your Self Service account can be found on the college’s official website.

Here are the steps:

1. Visit the ACC website and locate the "Students" section at the top of the page.

2. Click on it and find the 'ACC Self Service' option in the dropdown menu.

3. Click on ‘ACC Self Service.’ You'll arrive at the login page.

4. Sign in with your ACCeID and password. If you're a first-time user, you might need to set up your ACCeID and password using the instructions provided.

5. Once you're in, look for the Admissions section. Your application status should be displayed there.

Remember, ACC also sends important admission updates via official emails, so I recommend consistently checking the email ID provided in your application. If any documents are missing or additional information is required, you will also be notified there.

Keep in mind that the application review process can vary in length depending on the time of the year; during peak application season, it may take a bit longer. If it's been more than a couple of weeks and you don't see any updates, you can directly contact the Admissions Office for more information.

2 months ago

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