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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Listing AP Scholar with Distinction on Common App?

Hi everyone! I was named an AP Scholar with Distinction, which I'm really proud of. I was wondering where and how exactly I should list this award on my Common App. Any advice would be super helpful, thank you!

a year ago

Congratulations on your AP Scholar with Distinction award! It's definitely a noteworthy accomplishment that you should include in your Common App. To list this award, follow these steps:

1. In the Common App, navigate to the "Education" section and then click on the "Honors" subsection.

2. Click on "Add an honor" to start entering your award information.

3. For "Honor Type," "National" should be the appropriate option, since AP awards are nationally recognized achievements.

4. In the "Honor Description" field, write "AP Scholar with Distinction."

5. Since this is an academic accomplishment, select "Academic" for the "Honor Grade Level" field.

6. For "Honor Level," choose the highest grade level during which you earned the award (usually 11th or 12th grade for most students).

7. Click on "Save" to add the honor to your application.

Remember that you can list up to five honors in the Common App "Honors" section, so make sure to highlight your other achievements as well. Good luck with your applications, and congratulations again on this award!

a year ago

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