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What are some of the easiest classes in college?

Hey all, I'm trying to plan out my college schedule and wanna make sure I can manage my workload. What classes have you taken that were considered 'easy' or less demanding? Would love to hear your experiences!

a year ago

The difficulty of college classes can vary greatly depending on the institution, professor, and your own personal interests. That said, there are some subjects that students tend to find easier, but these can differ between individuals.

1. Intro to Psychology - A popular choice for many students, this beginner course provides a basic understanding of psychological concepts, which can be interesting and applicable to everyday life.

2. Public Speaking - While some find public speaking intimidating, this course often provides a supportive environment to boost communication skills and gain confidence.

3. Physical Education - PE courses, such as yoga, dance, or general fitness, can be a relaxing way to earn credits while also staying active and healthy.

4. Intro to Film Studies - For film enthusiasts, this type of course can be enjoyable as you get to watch and analyze various films.

Keep in mind that what might be easy for one person might not be the same for another. To gauge the difficulty of courses at your specific college, browse student reviews online or talk to upperclassmen for their opinions on specific classes and professors. These resources can help you better understand which classes may be easier and more manageable to take. Good luck with your schedule planning!

a year ago

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