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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How do I access my college email after transferring?

I just transferred to a new college and I'm unsure how long I'll have access to my old college email. Can anyone share how this usually works?

5 days ago

The access to your old college email largely depends on the specific policies of your previous institution. At some colleges, email accounts remain active for a few months after termination of enrollment to allow for a transition. At others, the account might be deactivated immediately upon your official disenrollment date.

You might want to consider several steps to ensure a smooth transition:

1. Forward Important Emails: Before the deactivation of your old email, forward any critical emails or specific correspondence to your personal email account.

2. Notify Contacts: Notify your contacts of your change in email address so that future correspondence will reach you at your new email.

3. Change Email on Online Accounts: We often use our email to sign up for various online services. Make sure to change the registered email on those accounts to avoid getting locked out in the future.

4. Set Up Auto-reply: If your school allows it, you might want to set up an auto-reply on your old account notifying anyone who messages you that your old account will soon be deactivated, and providing them with your new email address.

To find out exactly how your previous institution handles this situation, contact your former college's IT department or check their website for information on email policies for transferred students. They should be able to provide you with a timeline and guide you through any necessary steps.

5 days ago

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