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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Difference between Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees?

Hey, applyingtocollege fam! I'm having trouble understanding the difference between BA and BS degrees. Can someone help break down the main differences between them and how it might affect my college decision? Thanks!

a year ago

Hello! The main difference between a Bachelor of Arts (BA) and a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree is the curriculum focus and requirements.

A Bachelor of Arts degree typically has a broader, more well-rounded curriculum, with a greater emphasis on humanities, social sciences, and liberal arts courses. BA degrees often provide students with more flexibility in choosing their major and electives to allow them to explore a variety of interests. This often results in a more diverse education, though it may require more general education courses as well.

On the other hand, a Bachelor of Science degree generally has a more focused curriculum on a specific field, often in the sciences, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM). BS degrees typically require more credits in the major subject, as well as more technical or specialized courses, and sometimes have additional lab or research requirements to offer more hands-on experience. This means that BS programs are generally more rigorous and may require more major-specific courses compared to their BA counterparts.

In terms of how this might affect your college decision, it's essential to think about your academic and career goals. If you know you're interested in a STEM-related field or want in-depth knowledge in a specific area, a BS degree might suit you better. However, if you're still exploring multiple interests, appreciate the humanities and social sciences, or prefer a broader educational experience, a BA degree may be a better fit.

It's also important to note that some colleges and universities may only offer one type of degree for a specific major or have overlapping courses in both, so make sure to research the specific programs at each school you're considering. Ultimately, the choice between BA and BS degrees depends on your individual preferences, academic goals, and the strengths of the respective programs at the colleges you're considering. Good luck with your college decision!

a year ago

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