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SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Writing a Harvard deferral letter?

Hey guys, I got deferred from Harvard SCEA and I'm wondering what should be included in the deferral letter to increase my chances during the regular decision round. Any advice would be super helpful. Thanks!

a year ago

Firstly, it's important to not be discouraged by the deferral, as you still have a chance in the regular decision round. When crafting your deferral letter, consider including the following elements:

1. Expression of continued interest: Make it clear that Harvard remains your top choice and you are excited about the possibility of attending. Briefly mention specific aspects of the school that appeal to you, such as programs, professors, or research opportunities.

2. Updates on achievements: Share any new accomplishments, awards, or extracurricular activities that have taken place since you submitted your application. This demonstrates your ongoing commitment to self-improvement and dedication to your chosen field.

3. Academic progress: If your grades have improved or you've taken on additional coursework (such as a challenging AP or honors class), be sure to mention this, as it highlights your seriousness as a student.

4. Personal growth: Reflect on how you've grown since submitting your application, including any lessons you've learned, leadership roles you've taken, or personal challenges you have overcome. This will help the admissions committee see your ability to adapt and your commitment to personal development.

5. Brief and concise: Keep your letter brief and to the point, ideally no more than one page. Admissions officers have a limited amount of time to review additional materials, so make sure your letter is easy to read and clearly communicates your message.

6. Thank your reader: End your letter with a polite thank you, expressing your gratitude for their time and consideration, as well as your excitement for the opportunity to be considered for regular decision.

After writing your deferral letter, make sure to proofread it for any errors or inconsistencies and ask for feedback from a trusted source, such as a teacher or counselor, if possible. Then, submit your letter according to the guidelines and deadlines provided by the college.

Remember, although a well-crafted deferral letter may increase your chances, there are no guarantees, so it's crucial to continue applying to other schools as well. Best of luck!

a year ago

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