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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What are pre-med requirements?

Hey guys, I'm a junior and I want to go pre-med in college. Can anyone tell me the general requirements for pre-med students? I want to make sure I'm on the right track with planning my classes and extracurriculars.

a year ago

Hello! Great to see that you're considering a pre-med track in college. In terms of coursework, it's important to know that pre-med is not a specific major, but rather a set of required courses you'll need to complete to prepare for medical school. While these requirements can vary slightly from one medical school to another, there are some general prerequisites that are commonly required:

1. Biology: One year of general biology with labs.

2. Chemistry: One year of general/inorganic chemistry and one year of organic chemistry, both with labs.

3. Physics: One year of general physics with labs.

4. Math: Usually one semester of calculus and one semester of statistics.

5. English: One year of composition or literature.

In addition to these classes, most medical schools now also recommend, or even require, coursework in biochemistry, psychology, and sociology.

Good luck on your journey towards becoming a doctor!

a year ago

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