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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How to apply to Iowa Lakes Community College?

I'm interested in attending Iowa Lakes Community College. Can someone explain the general application process? Are there any specific documents or requirements needed to apply?

3 days ago

Certainly! Here are the general steps to apply to Iowa Lakes Community College:

1. Fill out the Admission Application: You would complete the Admission Application which gives the college basic information about you and your intended area of study. This application can normally be found on the school's official website.

2. Submit your High School or College Transcripts: After your application, you would need to provide your high school transcripts or proof of GED, and official transcripts from any other colleges you've previously attended. Contact your high school or college's guidance office to request an official transcript be sent to Iowa Lakes.

3. Placement Tests: Iowa Lakes Community College requires either an ACT, SAT, or ACCUPLACER score for proper course placement. If you have already taken the ACT or the SAT, you need to have your scores sent to the college. If you have not taken the ACT or SAT, you can take the ACCUPLACER test at the college.

4. Complete the FAFSA: While not a required step for admission, completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is necessary to determine your eligibility for financial aid. The school code for Iowa Lakes is 001864.

This process should take a few weeks from start to finish, depending on how promptly you're able to obtain and provide necessary documents. The more proactive you are in collecting and sending in your materials, the smoother the process should be. Keep in mind that it would be helpful to reach out to the admissions office at Iowa Lakes as they can provide the exact process and offer you assistance as you go through these steps.

Many community colleges have open admissions, which means they accept any student with a high school diploma or GED, but each college will still have its own application requirements. Double check with their Admissions Office or website to ensure that you meet all necessary criteria for admitting as not all requirements might be the same.

3 days ago

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