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How do transfer classes work from community college to Azusa Pacific University?

I'm considering transferring to Azusa Pacific University after completing some classes at a community college. Does anyone know how the transfer process works or what kind of classes are eligible for transfer?

3 days ago

Azusa Pacific University has a pretty clear policy for transferring credits from community colleges. They accept transfer credits from regionally accredited institutions, which include most community colleges. However, the course content needs to match up with the requirements of the major or program you're pursuing at APU.

Specifically, APU takes into account the level of the course, the grades you obtained (a "C-" or higher is typically required), and the applicability of the course to your intended program of study. Keep in mind that not all courses or credits may transfer directly, particularly if they do not align with APU's curriculum or program requirements.

A helpful resource would be APU's transfer equivalency system available online. Here, you can look up your classes to see if they've been transferred from your community college in the past which can give you a good indication if your classes will transfer.

Overall, it's best to work closely with both your community college academic advisor and an APU transfer advisor to make sure the classes you're taking will meet APU's requirements. Transfer advisors can guide you through the application process, help you identify which classes will transfer, and assist you in academic planning, making the entire transfer process smoother.

3 days ago

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