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What's covered in the Baruch College BUS 1011 seminar?

Can anyone share insights on the BUS 1011 seminar at Baruch College? I'm curious about what topics it covers and how it's structured. Is it a requirement for all transfer students?

5 days ago

BUS 1011: Business Fundamentals: The Contemporary Business Landscape, is a required introductory course for all business majors at the Zicklin School of Business, including transfer students. The seminar mainly focuses on providing a foundation in the functional areas of business, such as marketing, finance, operations management, and law. In a setting that emphasizes communication and quantitative skills, including spreadsheets, this course introduces students to the disciplines taught at the Zicklin School of Business.

The course is typically structured with weekly discussions, group projects, case studies, and often guest speakers from various business sectors. It's designed not only to expose students to the spectrum of business disciplines but also to sharpen their group collaboration, presentation skills, and critical thinking abilities.

Moreover, BUS 1011 also introduces students to the majors in the Zicklin School and career paths in different disciplines.

The seminar is an essential part of ensuring a smooth transition for transfer students, and it is required as it introduces students to the culture, expectations, and resources of Baruch College, specifically for business students. It's generally advised to take it in the first semester of your transfer to make the most out of the resources and knowledge it provides.

5 days ago

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