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Need unique persuasive speech topics for class!

Hey guys, I have to do a persuasive speech for my high school class and I'm struggling to come up with a unique topic. Can you suggest some interesting and uncommon persuasive speech topics that I could use? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hey there! I understand the struggle of coming with interesting persuasive speech topics. Here are some uncommon and engaging ideas you might consider for your assignment:

1. The impact of social media on mental health: Advocate for the need for regulations or restrictions, or implement programs aimed at promoting healthier usage habits.

2. The importance of developing emotional intelligence: Argue its value, and discuss how schools should incorporate it into their curricula to nurture more empathetic and emotionally stable individuals.

3. Urban gardening and its benefits: Advocate for policies supporting urban gardening initiatives and explain how it can address environmental, economic, and social issues.

4. The role of sleep in academic performance: Persuade your audience that implementing later start times for schools or promoting healthy sleep habits could lead to better academic outcomes.

5. Space exploration and its relevance to modern society: Argue for continued investment in space research and technology, highlighting its potential impact on various fields, such as climate change and medicine.

6. The importance of ethical consumption: Discuss the implications of our purchasing habits and encourage individuals to be more conscious of their impact on the environment and communities worldwide.

7. The value of financial education for high school students: Advocate for integrating financial education into the standard high school curriculum to prepare students for real-world financial challenges.

8. The relationship between art and mental health: Present the benefits of art therapy and suggest its implementation within communities, schools, or rehabilitation programs.

9. The need for universal basic income: Make the case for implementing universal basic income policies to help combat poverty, promote economic growth, and reduce income inequality.

10. Drone technology and its potential uses: Explore the potential benefits and drawbacks of using drone technology for various applications, such as environmental monitoring, disaster relief, and surveillance.

Remember to choose a topic that genuinely interests you, as your passion and enthusiasm will make your speech even more persuasive. Good luck with your assignment!

a year ago

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