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Princeton early action acceptance rate

Hey all, I was wondering if anyone knows the early action acceptance rate for Princeton? I'm considering applying early action this fall, but I want to make sure I have a good understanding of how competitive it is. Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hello! Princeton University is quite competitive in its Early Action (EA) admissions process. While acceptance rates can fluctuate from year to year, historically, Princeton's early action acceptance rate has been around 15%. Keep in mind, though, that this rate can be somewhat misleading, as the early applicant pool often consists of highly qualified and prepared students.

Applying Early Action does provide some advantages, as it can demonstrate your interest in the school and allows you to receive an admissions decision earlier. However, it's crucial to ensure you submit your strongest application by the EA deadline. If you feel that you would benefit from additional time to gather materials and perfect your application, it may be more advantageous to apply during the Regular Decision round.

Make sure to research the school's academic expectations and extracurricular profiles of accepted students to gauge whether your application is competitive. Additionally, consider whether your "fit" with Princeton aligns with your personal goals and values. Best of luck in your college application process!

a year ago

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