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Which California colleges have higher acceptance rates for transfers?

I'm looking for information on which California colleges have higher acceptance rates for transfer students. Are there schools that are particularly transfer-friendly?

2 days ago

Most California colleges aim to accommodate transfer students, and a few demonstrate noticeably high transfer acceptance rates. Notably, the California State University (CSU) system and the University of California (UC) system both have transfer agreements with California community colleges, which provides a clear pathway for transfer students.

In the UC system, UC Riverside, UC Merced, UC Santa Cruz, and UC Davis are usually the most transfer-friendly, with transfer acceptance rates often higher than their rates for first-time freshmen. UC Berkeley, UCLA, and UC San Diego are more selective, but they still reserve a considerable number of seats for transfer students, especially those from California community colleges.

On the other hand, in the CSU system, schools such as Cal State Long Beach, Cal State Fullerton, and San Francisco State University tend to have higher acceptance rates for transfer students. This is largely due to the Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) program, an agreement between the California community colleges and the CSU system that guarantees admission for students who meet certain academic criteria.

Private schools can also be transfer-friendly. For instance, the University of Southern California has a transfer acceptance rate of around 24%, which is higher compared to its acceptance rate for first-year applicants.

Remember, while acceptance rates can give an indication, they shouldn't be the only factor in your college search. Make sure the schools you're considering also align with your academic and career goals, in addition to being transfer-friendly.

2 days ago

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