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How does the Associate Degree for Transfer work in California community colleges?

I'm considering an Associate Degree for Transfer at a California community college. Can anyone explain how this degree works and if it truly guarantees a spot at a CSU or UC? Any tips on maximizing its benefits?

2 days ago

The Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) is a unique degree offered within California Community Colleges, designed to provide a clear pathway to transfer into the California State University (CSU) system. The main advantage of this degree is the guaranteed admission to the CSU system. However, you should know that it doesn't guarantee admission to a specific campus or degree program within the CSU system.

Here's how it works: you earn an Associate's degree in a specific major at your local community college, with coursework specifically targeted toward that major's requirements at four-year institutions in the CSU system. Once you’ve earned the ADT, you're guaranteed a spot somewhere in the CSU system, as long as you meet all other admission requirements.

In the case of competitive campuses and degree programs with more applicants than they can enroll, the students with an ADT may receive a GPA bump which could help their application stand out. Also, a key advantage of the ADT is that, once you are in a similar degree program at the CSU, you will often need only two additional years of study to complete your Bachelor's degree. This is because the ADT fulfills most of the lower-division requirements of similar Bachelor's degree programs.

However, remember the ADT doesn't guarantee admission into the University of California (UC) system as it does for the CSU system. While the UC system does have a transfer agreement with California community colleges, it's a different process from the ADT. But don't worry, transferring into the UC system is still highly attainable with good grades and a strong application.

As for maximizing the benefits of an ADT, here are a few tips. Start by researching which CSU campuses and programs offer a Bachelor's degree that aligns with your ADT, and understand their specific admission criteria. Also, maintain a strong GPA especially in your major-related coursework. Lastly, stay in regular contact with your academic advisor. They're a valuable resource for course selection and advice on fulfilling requirements for transfer to your chosen institution.

2 days ago

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