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SAT: 720 math
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How is transferring for computer science from a California community college?

I'm pursuing a computer science major at a California community college and hope to transfer to a university. Has anyone transferred for CS successfully? Any insights into what classes or colleges worked best for you?

2 days ago

Transferring from a California community college for a computer science major can indeed be a successful route. One important detail to keep in mind is the concept of "articulation agreements" - these are contracts between community colleges and four-year universities that define how courses will transfer between the two. This ensures that the credits you've earned at your community college will effectively count towards your degree at your new university.

To increase your likelihood of a successful transfer, it's also vital to maintain a strong GPA, as this continues to be a major factor considered by admission officers. Computer science can be a highly competitive field, hence showcasing your academic capability through your GPA can be beneficial. Remember to also engage in relevant extracurricular activities that demonstrate your interest and dedication to the field, such as coding competitions or relevant club memberships.

For specific colleges in California that are known for strong computer science programs, think about UC Berkeley, UCLA, or UCSD. However, ensure to choose a transfer school where you feel you can thrive personally as well as academically.

Remember, every student's journey is unique, and what works best for you depends largely on your personal and academic goals.

2 days ago

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