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How do I transfer from a California community college to a UC school?

I’m a community college student in California planning to transfer to a UC school. What are the main requirements I should meet, and are there any good resources or tools I can use to prepare my application?

2 days ago

If you're considering transferring from a California community college to a UC school, there are several criteria to keep in mind.

1. Required Courses: Aim to complete at least 60 semester (or 90 quarter) units of UC transferable college credit with a minimum GPA of 2.4 (for CA residents) or 2.8 (for out-of-state residents). Remember, a higher GPA may be needed for some majors.

2. General Education Requirements: Make sure you fulfill all general education requirements, often referred to as the "Breadth" requirements. Each UC school has slightly different requirements, so it's important to verify specifics with your counselor or the transfer admissions page on the UC website.

3. Major Prerequisites: Depending on your desired major, different UC campuses may need you to complete specific prerequisite courses. These courses usually need to be taken for a letter grade, and getting a "C" or better is required.

4. TAG: The UC system has a unique program called Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG), which provides a guaranteed transfer spot for community college students who meet certain criteria at six UC campuses (UC Merced, UC Davis, UC Santa Barbara, UC Santa Cruz, UC Riverside, and UC Irvine).

5. Need Help? Make use of the UC Transfer Admission Planner (TAP), an online tool that allows students to track their progress toward meeting UC's minimum requirements. Another great resource is your community college's advising/counseling center, which can help you map out your courses for your time at the community college and ensure that you're on the right path.

When you're ready to apply, each UC campus has separate supplements within the transfer application where you can mention why you're interested in that specific school and how your major fits into your long-term goals. The application window for the UC schools usually falls between November to January, so make sure to start your application well before this window to ensure you have plenty of time to review your application thoroughly before submission.

Transferring college can be a complex process, but it's definitely a path taken by many students. Take advantage of the resources available to you to ensure a smooth transition.

2 days ago

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