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SAT: 720 math
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Quick ways to rack up community service hours?

Hey guys, I'm trying to fulfill my community service requirement but I'm short on time. What are some fast and efficient ways to get those hours in? Any suggestions are appreciated!

a year ago

Hi there! It's essential to find community service opportunities that align with your interests and skills, as it'll make the experience more enjoyable and fulfilling. However, I understand that schedules can be exceedingly busy in high school and sometimes you just need a quick way to fulfill your required hours. Here are some ideas to help you accumulate those hours quickly:

1. Local food banks or soup kitchens: Many organizations require volunteers to help distribute food, and you can dedicate a few hours every weekend to support their cause.

2. Animal shelters: Shelters often need help with animal care, cleaning, and administrative tasks. Volunteering at an animal shelter is a great way to contribute to your community and work with animals you care about.

3. Tutoring or mentoring: Some schools and after-school programs are continually looking for tutors or mentors to assist students. By dedicating a few hours a week, you can make a meaningful impact on a child's life.

4. Senior centers: Elderly facilities often have a range of recreational and social activities for their residents. Offering your time to engage with and support seniors can be incredibly rewarding and contribute to your community service hours.

5. Community clean-up events: Many neighborhoods organize clean-up days, and participating in these events can be a quick way to accumulate hours while making a visible difference in your community.

6. Special events or fundraisers: Keep an eye out for local events that require volunteers for tasks like setup, registration, or cleanup. These opportunities can help you earn hours in short periods.

7. Libraries: Some libraries need volunteers for shelving books, assisting patrons, or organizing events. This could be a suitable option if you're passionate about literacy and education.

a year ago

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