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How do I structure my Parent Brag Sheet?

Just started working on my parent brag sheet and I'm kinda struggling with organizing it. Does anyone have sample parent brag sheet answers or any advice on what should be included and what should not? Would appreciate any help!

a year ago

I'm happy to help you out with organizing your parent brag sheet! A Parent Brag Sheet is an opportunity for your parents to provide insight into your character, achievements, and growth for your college counselor or teacher to consider when writing your recommendation letter. Here are a few guidelines to help structure the Parent Brag Sheet:

1. Begin with an introduction: Your parents should briefly introduce themselves and their relationship to you (i.e., mother, father, guardian). They may also want to mention how actively they've been involved in your education and activities.

2. Divide the brag sheet into sections: To make it easier to read and understand, you can organize the brag sheet into sections such as academics, extracurricular activities, personal growth, and special circumstances. This will help the person writing your letter get a clearer picture of your experiences and how they've shaped you.

3. Mention specific accomplishments and examples: Within each section, have your parents focus on a few standout accomplishments or moments that highlight your growth and character. These could include academic achievements, leadership roles, or community involvement. Encourage your parents to share anecdotes or inside stories that illustrate your character traits.

4. Discuss personal growth or obstacles you've overcome: Your parents can devote a section to discussing any personal growth they have observed in you or any challenges you have faced and worked through. This information will give more context about your journey and may help the letter writer provide a more nuanced perspective when writing about you.

5. Address any notable circumstances: If there are unique or special circumstances that have significantly impacted your high school experience (e.g., medical issues, family situations), your parents should include this information in the brag sheet, so the person writing the recommendation letter has a complete picture.

6. Be concise and focused: While it's crucial to provide enough detail, remind your parents to keep their responses focused and to the point. The person writing the recommendation letter likely has many students to consider, and a concise brag sheet is more likely to be helpful.

7. Offer guidance, not demands: Approach the brag sheet as a way to share perspectives and insights about you rather than dictating what the letter writer should say. The goal is to provide guidance, not tell the letter writer exactly what to write.

Remember, this is just a guide - feel free to modify this structure to best suit your experiences and strengths. Good luck with organizing your parent brag sheet, and I hope it helps the person writing your recommendation letter get to know you even better!

a year ago

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