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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Does the NSLC invitation letter mean anything?

Hey everyone, I got this invitation letter from the National Student Leadership Conference (NSLC). Is it some kind of selective program? How do they choose who gets an invite? Thanks!

8 months ago

Hi! The National Student Leadership Conference (NSLC) is a program that organizes various conferences for high school students in fields like business, government, law, medicine, and more. These conferences typically consist of workshops, simulations, and guest speakers to help students gain a better understanding of their chosen fields. While the program can be a good opportunity for students to explore their interests and gain some leadership experience, it's important to note that receiving an invitation doesn't necessarily signify a selective process.

Many students in high school receive similar invitations, and the criteria used for selecting invitees may not always be transparent. Generally, such invitations are sent to a wide range of students based on a variety of factors, like standardized test scores or class performance. If you're genuinely interested in attending a conference and think it could benefit your personal and academic growth, feel free to look into it further!

However, keep in mind that these conferences often come with significant costs and staying at home and engaging in a meaningful local extracurricular project or internship could be just as, if not more, beneficial to your development and resume.

You can learn more here: https://blog.collegevine.com/is-nslc-worth-it

8 months ago

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