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Navigating Carleton College Transfer Credits

How does Carleton College evaluate transfer credits? I want to be sure my previous course work will count towards my degree. Are there specific departments I should contact to confirm credit transferability?

2 days ago

When considering a transfer to Carleton College, knowing how the school evaluates your previous coursework can definitely help streamline the process.

According to Carleton's transfer policy, earning credit depends significantly on the nature of the courses you've taken prior to transferring. Generally, Carleton awards credit for courses of a liberal arts nature that are similar in breadth and depth to courses available at Carleton, and for which you've earned a grade of C- or better. Importantly, credit is not granted for professional, pre-professional, or vocational coursework.

Further, you should note that the actual course equivalency determination process is done by the Registrar in collaboration with the appropriate academic department. Each department evaluates the transferred courses for equivalency within their own subject area. Generally, students should be prepared to provide course descriptions, syllabi, or reading lists to assist in this process, as these materials can provide crucial details about the course content, outcomes, and objectives.

Before finalizing your decision to transfer, it would be a good idea to reach out to Carleton's Registrar's Office, as they handle the initial review and can provide guidance on the transfer credit process. For more specific inquiries regarding how courses might satisfy major or minor requirements, it's advisable to contact the respective academic department directly.

Remember, transfer credit evaluations are not typically done until after an admission offer has been extended, but the Registrar's Office or the respective department might be able to give you a general idea of how your credits could potentially transfer prior to you making your decision. Good luck!

2 days ago

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