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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Deadline for Applying as a Transfer to Carleton College

What is the transfer application deadline for Carleton College? I want to make sure I don't miss any critical dates, so any info on timelines would be helpful.

2 days ago

For Carleton College, the application deadline for transfer students is March 31st. Remember, this is the date by which all material, including your Common Application, supplemental question responses, academic evaluation report, college report, and official transcripts, should have arrived at the college.

If you're applying for financial aid, you need to aim for a different deadline. The FAFSA and CSS Profile, which are necessary for federal and institutional aid consideration, are generally due April 15th, though this is subject to change.

Remember, it's essential to give yourself ample time to prepare the necessary documents and follow through with any school-specific requirements or obligations. It's always better to submit materials before the actual deadline to avoid any last-minute issues. Good luck with your application!

2 days ago

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