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How does transfer credit work at Carolinas College of Health Sciences?

I'm considering transferring to Carolinas College of Health Sciences and want to understand how their transfer credit system works. Are there specific credits I need to have completed, or can most college-level courses transfer over?

2 days ago

Carolinas College of Health Sciences has a specific process for determining which credits are transferable. Essentially, they evaluate each of your college-level courses individually to identify whether they meet the requirements of the course equivalencies at their institution.

Typically, your previous coursework will need to have been completed at a regionally accredited institution and you would need to have received a grade of C or higher in the course for the credit to potentially transfer. However, the college suggests that students submit an official transcript for evaluation, as some courses may not transfer depending on the specific requirements of the program you're transferring into.

It's also important to note that developmental courses or those deemed remedial are not eligible for transfer. The final decisions on transfer credits are made by the Registrar's Office at Carolinas College of Health Sciences.

Remember to consult directly with the admissions or registrar's office at Carolinas College of Health Sciences for the most accurate and personalized advice regarding your potential transfer credits.

2 days ago

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