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Transferring credits to Carroll College from another school

I'm planning to transfer to Carroll College and wondering how the transfer credit process works. Does anyone have experience with which courses are likely to be accepted?

2 days ago

Carroll College evaluates transfer credits on a course-by-course basis so it can sometimes be hard to ascertain, without specific course titles and descriptions, what will transfer smoothly. The college is usually looking for coursework that aligns with their academic offerings. Generally, liberal arts courses and basic prerequisite courses in sciences, math, and social studies tend to transfer well.

That being said, the exact process usually involves Carroll College's Registrar's Office reviewing the official transcripts from your current/previous institution to discern what credit can be provided for each course. They're checking if these courses are equivalent to courses offered in their curriculum, or if they can fit as elective credits.

A few key things to note:

1. You'll need to have earned a C- or better in your previous coursework for it to be considered for transfer.

2. Vocational or remedial courses often do not transfer.

3. Some majors may have specific requirements for courses to transfer in or out of their program. It's always a good idea to get in touch with the department of your chosen major to understand any such specifications.

4. Lastly, you may consider talking to an academic advisor at Carroll who can guide you through the process.

The final decision rests with the Registrar's Office and academic departments, but reaching out and being proactive with discussions can go a long way in making the transition easier.

2 days ago

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