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Credit transfer process at Carthage College

Can anyone tell me about transferring credits to Carthage College? I want to make sure that my previous coursework will count toward my major requirements.

2 days ago

When considering transferring credits to Carthage College, it's essential to keep in mind that the eligibility of the credits is determined by several factors. Here's a brief rundown of the process:

1. Accreditation: Credits from accredited colleges and universities are more likely to be accepted in comparison to institutions that aren't accredited. Regional accrediting bodies are typically more highly regarded than national ones, and credits from schools with regional accreditation are often easier to transfer.

2. Course Grade: The grade you earned in the course can also affect the transferability of your credits. At Carthage, as with many institutions, they typically only accept credits for courses in which you've earned a C- or higher.

3. Course Content: The course content will need to match or be closely analogous to the content of courses offered at Carthage.

Once you've established that your courses meet the necessary requirements, you should forward your official transcript from your previous institution to the Carthage Admissions Office for evaluation. Be aware that it's best to do this as early as possible to prevent delays in your intended course of study.

It's also crucial to have a conversation with the Carthage Registrar and your academic advisor to ensure your plan for credit transfer aligns with your major requirements. They'll be able to provide personalized guidance based on your unique situation.

Although transferring credits doesn't guarantee that those credits will apply to your major, it's benefited many students who've changed institutions. Good luck!

2 days ago

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