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What to know about Carthage College transfer credits?

I'm planning on transferring to Carthage College and I'm confused about how transfer credits work there. Does anyone know if they have a limit on the number of credits accepted or if certain credits transfer more easily?

2 days ago

Carthage College does indeed have a process in place for transfer credits. As with most colleges, the specifics can vary a bit, but there are some common rules that apply.

Firstly, Carthage College is generally generous when it comes to accepting transfer credits. They’ll accept up to 70 transfer credits from a two-year college (or what's typically an Associate Degree), and up to 90 transfer credits from a four-year institution. Across both types of institutions, at least 30 credits must be completed at Carthage to earn your degree there.

Remember, however, that just because credits can be transferred, that doesn’t automatically mean they will apply towards your specific degree requirements. The department of your major can give you the most accurate information about how your credits will fit into your academic plan. For example, certain major's core classes may not have an equivalent at your previous institution, therefore, even though credit is accepted, you might still have to take that core class at Carthage.

Also, while Carthage generally accepts the transfer of credits for courses where you earned a C- grade or higher, some programs may require a higher grade for certain courses, especially those directly related to your intended major.

Finally, it's crucial to work directly with both your current institution and Carthage's transfer admissions department to ensure a smooth process. And remember, each college has a unique process and criteria for what they'll accept, so it's important to keep abreast of these policies to make a clear plan. In the end, being proactive and organized will make the transfer process that much smoother. Good luck with your plans!

2 days ago

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