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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How effective is sending an MIT Letter of Continued Interest?

Hey guys, I haven't heard back from MIT yet, and I'm getting a little anxious. Is it a good idea to send a Letter of Continued Interest to show my dedication? If so, any tips for crafting a strong letter?

a year ago

Sending a Letter of Continued Interest (LOCI) can be a positive way to demonstrate your ongoing dedication and enthusiasm for MIT. However, keep in mind that a LOCI is typically more effective for colleges that have deferred or waitlisted you, rather than schools that have not yet made a decision on your application.

If you do end up being waitlisted at MIT, a LOCI can showcase your commitment and interest in attending, and it may help your chances of being admitted off the wait list. When crafting your letter, consider the following tips:

1. Be concise and respectful: Thank the admissions committee for considering your application and express your gratitude for being placed on the waitlist. Keep your letter to a single page, as admissions officers are busy and appreciate brevity.

2. Emphasize your enthusiasm for MIT: Make it clear that MIT remains your top choice and explain why it's the perfect fit for you. Be specific about the programs or opportunities that excite you and how you plan to contribute to the campus community.

3. Update with new achievements: Share any noteworthy developments that have occurred since you submitted your application. This may include improved grades, awards, new extracurricular activities, or significant projects you've worked on. Don't list things just to fill space, though - only include updates that are genuinely significant.

4. Proofread meticulously: Double-check your letter for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Make sure it's well-written and represents your best effort. Remember that CollegeVine offers paid reviews of LOCIs by expert college admissions advisors, who would be able to give you some tips on how to make your letter even more effective.

Keep in mind that a LOCI won't guarantee admission, but it may help to reaffirm your interest and provide a fresh perspective on your candidacy. Finally, you can find some more detailed guidance, as well as an example LOCI, on CollegeVine's blog:

Good luck!

a year ago

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