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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Path to Becoming a Psychiatrist

Hey everyone! I've been considering pursuing psychiatry as a career, but I'm not sure how hard it is to become a psychiatrist. Is the path super rigorous and challenging? Any advice would be appreciated.

a year ago

Hey there! The path to becoming a psychiatrist is indeed a rigorous and challenging one, but with determination and passion, it's definitely attainable. Here's a general outline of the steps involved:

1. Earn a bachelor's degree: You'll need to complete an undergraduate program, ideally with a focus on pre-med or psychology. You'll want to maintain a strong GPA and participate in relevant extracurriculars to strengthen your med school applications.

2. Medical school: After your undergraduate years, you'll attend medical school to obtain your MD (Doctor of Medicine) or DO (Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine) degree. This usually takes about four years and involves both classroom-based learning and clinical rotations.

3. Residency: Upon graduation from medical school, you'll enter a psychiatry residency, which lasts for about four years. Residencies typically involve rotations through various sub-specialties within psychiatry, such as child/adolescent, geriatric, and addiction psychiatry.

4. Board certification and licensure: After completing your residency, you'll take the necessary exams to become board-certified in psychiatry and obtain your medical license. Board certification is a way to demonstrate your expertise in the field and is often required by employers.

5. Optional fellowship: If you wish to gain further specialization, you may choose to pursue a fellowship in a sub-specialty area, such as child/adolescent psychiatry or addiction psychiatry. Fellowships typically last 1-2 years.

Throughout this journey, it's essential to stay focused and manage your time effectively, as the workload can be quite heavy. However, if you have a passion for helping individuals with mental health challenges and are willing to embrace the hard work, the rewarding outcomes will be well worth it. Good luck in your pursuit of a career in psychiatry!

a year ago

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