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What is a community essay on college applications?

I came across some colleges asking for a community essay. Can anyone explain what should be included in this type of essay and how it differs from a typical personal statement?

3 days ago

A community essay is a piece of writing colleges ask for where you explain the impact you've had on your own community, or how being part of a certain community has shaped who you are today. "Community" in this context can refer to any number of groups you're a part of, including your neighborhood, school, religious institution, sports team, club, or even your family.

Unlike personal statements, which generally focus more broadly on your identity, experiences, and aspirations, community essays are more focused on your relationship with wider social contexts. These essays let colleges see what kind of member you might be in their community by showing your role in other communities you have been or are currently a part of.

In a community essay, you aim to answer questions such as:

- How have you contributed to your community? Did you initiate a project or lead a group in some significant way?

- How have these experiences changed or shaped you?

- How have you grown by being a part of this community?

- What role does it play in your life and why is it important to you?

- How have you navigated any challenges within your community?

For example, if you helped organize a food drive in your neighborhood, you might reflect on the value of community collaboration, discuss the impact of the drive, and relate any personal growth these experiences facilitated. A good community essay opens a window into your social consciousness and sense of responsibility and purpose.

3 days ago

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