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Why choose Harvard over other top-tier schools?

Hey guys, I'm creating my list of colleges, and I've been thinking about the reasons I would choose Harvard specifically, rather than just any other highly-ranked school. What are some distinct aspects that set Harvard apart? Looking for personal experiences and opinions!

10 months ago

Hey there! Your question is an important one as it's crucial to select the right college that aligns with your needs and values. While I can't provide personal experiences, I can discuss some aspects that people often cite as why they might choose Harvard over other top-tier schools.

I. Prestigious Network: Harvard has a well-established reputation, and being a part of its alumni network can open doors professionally and personally. Many influential people have graduated from Harvard, which means you'll have access to a network of highly accomplished individuals who can serve as mentors or connections in the future.

II. Diverse Academic Opportunities: Harvard offers a wide range of programs and majors, so you can explore numerous academic interests. The university is known for having strong programs across multiple disciplines, with exceptional resources and faculty members.

III. Unique Extracurriculars: Harvard has over 400 student-run organizations, covering a wide range of interests. From clubs like the Harvard Arts Society to the Harvard Radio Broadcasting station, there's something for everyone. This diverse array of opportunities allows you to pursue new interests or deepen existing ones outside of the classroom.

IV. Flexibility: Unlike some other top schools, Harvard has a more flexible liberal arts curriculum. Known as the "General Education" requirements, students can choose from various courses across different disciplines to fulfill them. This allows for a broader, more well-rounded education, while still focusing on a chosen concentration.

V. Location: Harvard's campus is located in the charming city of Cambridge, MA, with the cultural and metropolitan hub of Boston just across the river. This prime location offers many internship, research, and career opportunities, as well as access to a thriving arts, food, and entertainment scene.

VI. Financial Aid: Harvard is known for its generous financial aid program, with many students graduating debt-free. The university commits to meeting 100% of demonstrated financial need for admitted students, ensuring that finances won't be a barrier to attending.

VII. History: Founded in 1636, Harvard predates the founding of the country by over a century. Not to mention, thousands of influential minds have attended Harvard over the years and left their marks. For some, the history surrounding Harvard is a big draw.

While this list covers some aspects people find appealing about Harvard, it's essential to remember that personal fit matters too. I'd recommend visiting the campuses of the schools you're considering, talking to current students, and participating in virtual events to get a better sense of each university and where you might feel most at home. Good luck with your college search!

10 months ago

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