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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Do universities accept ASL as a foreign language?

I'm currently taking ASL for my language requirement in high school and I'm really enjoying it. But I've heard that not all universities accept ASL as a foreign language. Is this true, or do most universities recognize ASL like they do other languages?

a year ago

Yes, many universities do accept American Sign Language (ASL) as a foreign language. However, it is important to note that the acceptance of ASL varies from university to university. While most schools recognize ASL as a legitimate foreign language, a few may not include it in their foreign language requirements.

To see if a specific university accepts ASL, it's essential to check the university's admissions policies or contact their admissions office directly. College websites typically have the information regarding their foreign language requirements, so you might want to start there, and then reach out via phone or email if you're still confused.

Keep in mind that if you're passionate about ASL and considering discussing it in part of your college application, many universities do appreciate students who have taken the initiative to learn a unique language and demonstrate linguistic skill. Even if a particular university does not formally accept ASL as a foreign language, showcasing your proficiency in ASL can still reflect positively on your application.

Good luck with your ASL studies and college journey as a whole!

a year ago

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