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Searching for paid high school internships near me!

I'm interested in finding a paid internship for high school students in my area. Anyone know any reputable resources or tips on where I could find such opportunities?

a year ago

It's great that you're considering a paid internship during your high school years! High school internships can provide valuable experiences and connections in your field of interest. Here are some resources and strategies to help you find paid internship opportunities near you:

1. Local businesses: Look up local businesses in your area related to your interests and check their websites for internship opportunities. You can also reach out to them directly by emailing or calling their HR department to ask if they have any high school internship programs.

2. Job search websites: Platforms like Indeed, Glassdoor, and LinkedIn can be useful for searching for paid internships. Filter the job postings by your location and use keywords like "high school" or "intern" in the search bar.

3. Networking: Talk to your teachers, school counselor, friends, and family members about your interest in finding a paid internship. They might know someone in your desired industry or have connections that can help you secure an opportunity.

4. Nonprofit organizations: Many nonprofit organizations offer paid internships to high school students. Examples include Year Up, Girls Who Code, and Genesys Works. Search for local nonprofits in your area related to your interests and reach out to them about potential opportunities.

5. Career fairs and events: Attend local career fairs or events catered to high school students seeking internships. These events can help you connect with hiring managers from local companies and gather information on available opportunities.

6. School clubs and organizations: Many high schools have clubs or organizations with industry connections. Joining these clubs could put you in contact with professionals who might offer internships or know of openings.

7. Social media: Follow companies and organizations you're interested in on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. They often post information about internships, job openings, and other opportunities on their social media pages.

Remember to be proactive in your search, reach out to people, and do thorough research. Good luck, and I hope you find an amazing internship opportunity!

a year ago

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