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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Regrets about transferring colleges?

I'm thinking about transferring to a new college but I'm worried about having regrets. For those who've gone through a college transfer, what were your biggest regrets or challenges? Did the benefits outweigh the negatives in your experience?

2 days ago

Transferring colleges can be a challenging experience, and each person's journey is unique. One of the most common regrets I hear from students who have transferred is not conducting extensive research before initiating the process. It's important to understand the new institution's academic offerings, campus culture, and community. Investigate the transfer credit policy to know how many of your credits will transfer and fulfill degree requirements.

Another challenge that students often face is social adjustment, especially if they are transferring midway through their college career. You might feel like everyone else has already formed close-knit friend groups, and breaking into these circles can take time. Joining clubs and organizations can help expedite the process.

Despite these possible challenges, many students who have successfully transferred say the benefits outweighed the negatives. The feeling of being at a college that was a better fit for them academically and socially was worth the effort. I encourage you to thoroughly consider your decision and communicate with your current and prospective schools to ensure this is a beneficial move for you.

2 days ago

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