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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How to get involved: college transfer student events

I'm planning to transfer to a new college and want to join events to meet people. Are there typically special events for transfer students, and how can I find out about them? Any advice would be appreciated!

2 days ago

Yes, many colleges and universities organize events specifically designed to welcome and support new transfer students. These events may consist of formal orientation programs, workshops, social mixers, or informational sessions. The format of these events can vary from in-person gatherings to virtual meetups, depending on the institution's policies.

The best way to find out about these events is through the college's orientation or student affairs department. Most schools have a website or online portal where they post information about upcoming events, including those for transfer students. Regularly checking this website or portal, as well as any emails you receive from the school, will ensure you're up to date on all happenings.

Also, consider joining student groups or clubs that interest you. Participating in these extracurricular activities can provide additional opportunities to meet people and form connections outside of transfer-specific events. Additionally, it's worth looking into on-campus jobs, volunteer programs, and academic clubs related to your major.

Creating a robust social network often requires initiative and active participation. Don't hesitate to reach out to others - both fellow transfer students and those who are not. This can be a powerful way to build camaraderie and feel more connected in your new college setting.

In terms of advice, be open-minded and eager to engage. Transitioning to a new college can be challenging, and it can take time to establish new friendships and adapt to a new academic environment. However, by seeking out and engaging in these opportunities to connect with others, you can make your transition a positive and enriching experience.

2 days ago

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