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Starting a debate club in high school?

Hi everyone! I'm really passionate about debating and was thinking of starting a debate club at my school. Can anyone provide advice on how to go about doing this and how to recruit members? Any help would be appreciated!

a year ago

Hi! It's wonderful that you're passionate about debating and want to share it with others at your school. Here are some steps and tips to help you get started:

1. Approval from school administration: First, approach your school administration or a teacher to discuss your idea. They might have guidelines on starting a new club and can offer resources and guidance. You'll likely need a faculty advisor, so identify a teacher who's also interested in debate and willing to support you.

2. Draft a constitution or mission statement: Create a document outlining the club’s purpose, goals, and structure. It should include information about officer positions, election procedures, and regular meeting schedule. Having this prepared ahead of time will demonstrate your dedication and seriousness to the school administration.

3. Recruit core members: Find a small group of like-minded students who are also interested in debate. They can help bring ideas and energy to the club, as well as assist in forming the initial leadership team. Reach out to friends and classmates, or post on social media to gauge interest.

4. Advertise and recruit: To recruit more members, create informative flyers, posters, or social media posts. Share them around school, in classrooms, on bulletin boards, or through online platforms. Organize a launch meeting or interest session where potential members can learn about the club and its activities. You might want to prepare a brief debate demonstration to showcase what the club would look like in action.

5. Plan regular meetings and activities: Set up a consistent meeting schedule and maintain a shared calendar for all members. Organize practice debates, workshops, or guest speakers to keep club members engaged. Providing opportunities for skill-building and learning will attract more students to the club and help them grow as debaters.

6. Participate in local/national tournaments: To increase the club's competitiveness and visibility, consider joining a national debate organization like the National Speech & Debate Association. This will allow your club to participate in local and national tournaments, providing even more opportunities for your members to hone their skills.

7. Engage with the community: Host workshops, debates, or fundraising events to showcase your club and its talents. Collaborate with other school clubs or organizations to get more people involved in your club's activities and raise the profile of debating within the school community.

Remember to be patient and persistent. It might take some time for the club to gain momentum, but as long as you stay dedicated and passionate, you'll be able to create a rewarding and successful debate club at your school. Good luck!

a year ago

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