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Hard Statistics Problems - Where to Start?

Hey, I've been having difficulty with some intense statistics problems in my class. Can anyone suggest resources or materials that could help me understand and solve tough statistics problems? Your help would be greatly appreciated!

a year ago

Hi there! Tackling tough statistics problems can be a challenge, but there are several resources that can help you better understand and solve them. Here are a few resources I recommend:

1. Khan Academy ( Khan Academy offers free video tutorials and practice problems for various subjects, including statistics. You can find lessons on specific topics and gain a better understanding of the concepts through step-by-step explanations.

2. Coursera ( Coursera provides online courses from top universities, and they have several courses on statistics, such as "Basic Statistics" or "Introduction to Probability and Data." These courses often come with exercises and problem sets that can help you strengthen your understanding of statistics concepts.

3. YouTube: YouTube has numerous channels dedicated to teaching statistics. Some popular ones are StatQuest by Josh Starmer, JBstatistics, and zstatistics. These channels offer engaging video tutorials that break down complex statistics concepts and make them easier to understand.

4. Textbooks: Your course textbook or another statistics textbook can be valuable resources for working through challenging problems. Look for a textbook with clear explanations and plenty of examples. Two popular choices are "Statistics" by David Freedman and "Introduction to the Practice of Statistics" by Moore, McCabe, and Craig.

5. Online forums: Online communities, such as the Statistics Stack Exchange ( or Reddit's r/statistics, can be a good place to ask for help with specific problems or concepts. Community members may be able to provide guidance and point you in the right direction.

6. Extra help: Don't forget to take advantage of your professor's or teaching assistant's office hours. They are usually more than willing to help you work through difficult problems and clarify concepts that you're struggling to understand.

Remember, practice is key when it comes to solving statistics problems. The more problems you work through, the better equipped you'll be to handle tougher challenges. Best of luck!

a year ago

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