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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Do colleges consider middle school grades?

Just a quick question, do colleges look at our middle school grades when they review our applications? I'm trying to figure out how much they matter while planning my high school journey.

8 months ago

Colleges primarily focus on your high school academic performance, so middle school grades usually have no direct impact on college admissions decisions. Admissions officers are more interested in seeing your growth and achievements during high school, as this period is a more accurate representation of your current abilities and potential for success in college.

However, the foundation you built in middle school can indirectly influence your high school performance. The skills, work ethic, and habits you develop in middle school can contribute to your success in high school, which will ultimately be considered during the college admissions process.

Additionally, any advanced or high-level courses you may have taken in middle school can demonstrate your early aptitude for a specific subject or provide context for the rigor of your high school curriculum.

8 months ago

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