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Anyone used CrackACT to prep for the ACT?

Quick question, has anyone used the CrackACT website for ACT prep? Was it helpful for improving your scores? Trying to figure out what resources would work best for me. Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Yes, CrackACT is a popular resource for ACT prep among many students. It offers numerous free ACT practice tests, as well as study materials, compiled from various official sources. It can be helpful for improving your scores, as it allows you to familiarize yourself with the test format and types of questions you'll encounter on the ACT. Practice is key when it comes to standardized tests, and CrackACT gives you the opportunity to work through a wide variety of practice questions.

That being said, everyone's learning style is different, and you might find that other resources work better for you. If you're looking for additional ACT prep resources, consider using CollegeVine, Khan Academy, or the official ACT website. CollegeVine provides personalized ACT study plans, while Khan Academy offers free video lessons, guided study plans, and more. The official ACT website contains practice tests, test-taking tips, and interactive online prep options.

Lastly, some students find it helpful to use a combination of resources, giving them a holistic approach to test preparation. You could use CrackACT for practice tests and other websites, such as CollegeVine and Khan Academy, for more targeted study plans and lessons. Good luck with your test preparation!

a year ago

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