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Topics for essays about overcoming challenges?

Hi guys! I'm trying to choose a personal essay topic about overcoming a challenge or obstacle. What are some meaningful topics to write about, keeping in mind the college application reviewers?

a year ago

Hello! Choosing a personal essay topic about overcoming a challenge or obstacle can be a great way to showcase your resilience and personal growth. Here are a few meaningful topics to consider for your college application essay:

1. Overcoming a learning disability or facing academic challenges: Describe how, with perseverance and resourcefulness, you were able to overcome a learning disability or overcome academic challenges (e.g., being in a low-performing school or struggling with a particular subject).

2. Coping with loss or tragedy: Share a personal story of facing a significant loss or tragedy, and how you found strength and learned to cope with the situation. Be cautious not to make it too dark or overbearing—you want to focus on the growth and optimism that emerged from the experience.

3. Dealing with personal or family illness: Explain how you or a family member's illness affected your life and how you adapted to the situation, taking on responsibilities and developing resilience.

4. Navigating a major life change: This could be a move to a new city or country, a change in family dynamics, or a shift in personal beliefs. Describe how you faced the changes, learned to adapt, and grew as a person.

5. Breaking down barriers: Discuss how you challenged societal norms, stereotypes, or expectations in pursuit of your passions or in support of others, and what you learned from the experience.

6. Overcoming cultural or language barriers: If you've faced language or cultural barriers, talk about how you have worked to bridge the gaps and how these experiences have shaped your perspective on the world.

7. Facing financial hardship: Share your experiences managing and overcoming financial challenges, such as maintaining a job throughout high school, budgeting for personal expenses, or supporting your family during a time of need.

To learn more about this essay type, read this blog post:

Remember that your essay should focus on your growth, resilience, and lessons learned in the face of adversity. Choose a topic that resonates with you personally and helps to showcase your character, values, and determination. Good luck!

a year ago

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