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Combined Athletic Training and Physical Therapy Degree

I'm really interested in pursuing a combined athletic training and physical therapy degree. Are there any schools that offer a good program for this? I'd appreciate any recommendations!

a year ago

Hey there! It's great to hear that you're interested in pursuing a combined athletic training and physical therapy degree. There are several colleges and universities that offer strong programs in these fields. While some may not have a specific combined program, you can often find ways to pursue both interests through a dual-major or major/minor combination.

Here are a few recommendations for schools with reputable programs in these areas:

1. Ithaca College (Ithaca, NY) – Ithaca College provides a Bachelor of Science in Clinical Health Studies/Athletic Training and a Doctor of Physical Therapy program. They offer the combined degree option, allowing you to earn both in a span of six years.

2. Moravian College (Bethlehem, PA) – Moravian College has an accelerated 3+2 Bachelor of Science/Master of Science in Athletic Training and a Doctor of Physical Therapy program. The 3+2 program leads to a Bachelor's degree in Health Sciences and a Master's degree in Athletic Training in five years. After that, you can apply for their DPT program.

3. Boston University (Boston, MA) – Boston University offers a Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training and a Doctor of Physical Therapy program. You can pursue an undergraduate degree in Athletic Training first and then apply for their DPT program.

4. University of Delaware (Newark, DE) – The University of Delaware has a Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training, along with a Doctor of Physical Therapy program. Similar to BU, you can pursue the undergraduate degree and then apply for the DPT program.

a year ago

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