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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Columbia interview questions: what to expect?

I just got an email for a Columbia interview, and I'm a little bit nervous! Can anyone who's already had their interview share the general questions they asked? I want to be prepared and make a good impression!

a year ago

First of all, congratulations on securing an interview with Columbia! Interviews are a great opportunity to showcase your personality and demonstrate your interest in the college. While I can't provide you with the exact questions you'll be asked, here are some common interview questions to help you prepare:

1. Tell me about yourself. (Prepare a brief summary that touches on your background, interests, and key accomplishments.)

2. Why Columbia? (Be specific about the programs, resources, and opportunities that Columbia offers that align with your goals and aspirations.)

3. What are your academic interests and why? (Elaborate on the subjects you're passionate about and what you've done to pursue them.)

4. What extracurricular activities are you involved in and why are they important to you? (Describe your dedication and achievements in your chosen activities.)

5. Can you discuss a challenge you faced and how you overcame it? (Share a personal anecdote that demonstrates your resilience and problem-solving skills.)

6. How have you made an impact in your school or community? (Provide examples of your leadership or initiatives you took to improve the lives of others.)

7. What do you plan to contribute to the Columbia community? (Talk about clubs, organizations, or initiatives you would like to be a part of or even introduce at Columbia.)

Remember, your interviewer is looking to get a sense of who you are and how you might fit into the Columbia community. Practice your answers, but try to keep the conversation natural and engaging. Be genuine and let your personality shine through. It's also a good idea to be ready with some thoughtful questions to ask your interviewer about their experience at Columbia or any advice they may have for prospective students.

Best of luck with your interview!

a year ago

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