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Trying to come up with ideas for my Common App essay

Hey everyone, I've been really stressing about the Common App essay because I can't think of a good topic. What are some unique or interesting ideas that you all have used or seen? I don't want to write about something super generic, but I'm having trouble being creative. Help me out, please?

a year ago

Hey there! I understand the struggle of finding a unique topic for your Common App essay. It's essential to find a topic that's personal and tells a compelling story about who you are. The key is to reflect on your own life experiences and identify moments or themes that have shaped your personal development or showcase your values.

Some ideas to help get your creative juices flowing:

1. A specific passion or hobby you've pursued and how it shaped your growth; for example, if you spent countless hours baking during the pandemic, you could write about the valuable life lessons you've learned through this, rather than just the activity itself.

2. A unique family tradition or cultural practice that has deeply impacted your world view and how you approach life's challenges. This could range from annual family road trips to participating in specific cultural events and festivals.

3. An unexpected friendship or mentorship that has profoundly influenced your perspective on life. This could be someone who challenged your pre-existing beliefs or simply a person who inspired you to pursue new paths.

4. A particular obstacle or challenge you have faced, such as a significant personal setback or a learning disability, and how you have overcome it. Focus on your resilience and problem-solving skills, rather than the difficulty itself.

5. A memorable community service experience that shaped your understanding of the world and the impact you want to make. This could be organizing a charity event, volunteering at a local non-profit, or providing support to a community in need.

Remember, the key is to show your personality, unique perspective, and growth through your essay. Use vivid details, anecdotes, and reflections to create a narrative that will stay on the reader's mind. Best of luck with your essay writing!

a year ago

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