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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Necessary documents for CSS Profile

Hey, I'm filling out the CSS Profile soon and I was wondering what documents are needed to complete it? I want to make sure I have everything ready to go. Thanks for your help!

a year ago

How's it going! Here's a list of documents you should gather before starting the application process:

1. Social Security Number (SSN): If you have an SSN, you'll need to provide it.

2. Parent(s) SSN (if applicable): If your parent(s) have an SSN, you'll need to include it as well.

3. Tax documents: Gather your parent(s) and your tax documents from the previous year (W-2 forms, 1099 forms, and federal income tax returns). If you haven't filed your taxes for the previous year, you may use tax documents from the year prior, but it's important to update this information later on.

4. Records of untaxed income: Be sure to include any untaxed income, such as child support, interest income, or veterans non-education benefits.

5. Bank statements: Collect recent bank statements to report the current balance of your and your parent(s)' savings and checking accounts.

6. Mortgage and property tax information: If your family owns a home, gather any relevant information about outstanding mortgage balances and property taxes.

7. Investment account statements: If you or your parent(s) have any investments (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc.), gather recent account statements to report their current value.

8. Business and farm records: If your parent(s) own a business or farm, you'll need to provide relevant financial information.

9. Noncustodial parent information (if applicable): If one of your parents doesn't live with you, you may also need to provide their financial information (tax documents, assets, etc.). Some colleges require the Noncustodial Profile (NCP) form, which is a separate form your noncustodial parent has to complete.

As you gather these documents, remember to keep all your financial information organized and secure. It's helpful to have digital or physical copies of these documents stored in a safe place. Once you've collected all required information, you'll be in good shape to complete the CSS Profile accurately and efficiently. Good luck!

a year ago

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