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How to write a college essay about overcoming failure?

Hey guys, I'm working on my common app essay and want to write about a failure I've experienced. What are some tips for writing about failure in a way that's engaging and shows personal growth? I'm worried it might come off as negative or whiny.

a year ago

Writing about overcoming failure can be a powerful and engaging topic for your college essay. The key is to focus on the lessons learned and how you've grown from the experience, rather than dwelling on the negative aspects of the failure itself. Here are some tips that can help you craft a compelling essay:

1. Start with a hook: Begin your essay with an attention-grabbing anecdote, quote or description that relates to your failure. This will engage the reader from the outset and provide context for the story that follows.

2. Be specific about the failure: Clearly explain what the failure was and provide enough details so that the reader can understand the situation. Avoid being vague or glossing over the failure itself as this can make it harder for the reader to connect with your story.

3. Show self-awareness: Acknowledge the role you played in the failure and any mistakes that you made. Demonstrating self-awareness and taking responsibility for your actions will show the admissions committee that you're mature, introspective, and able to learn from your mistakes.

4. Focus on growth: The most important part of your essay is not the failure itself, but rather the personal growth that occurred as a result. Explain what you learned from the experience and how you've applied those lessons to other aspects of your life. Provide specific examples of how you've changed or matured since the failure occurred.

5. Stay positive: Showcasing resilience and a positive attitude in the face of adversity can be very appealing to college admissions committees. Emphasize the silver linings, the valuable lessons learned, and any positive outcomes that resulted from the failure, rather than dwelling on the negative aspects.

6. End on a strong note: Conclude your essay by summarizing the key lessons learned and describing how the experience has shaped you as a person. This will help bring your essay full circle and leave the reader with a clear understanding of how you've grown from the failure.

Remember that everyone experiences failure in some form, and by sharing your story of overcoming it, you can help paint a more genuine and relatable picture of yourself to the college admissions committee. Good luck with your essay!

a year ago

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