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Examples of college level writing?

Hey everyone, I want to improve my writing skills for college and I was wondering if anyone has any examples of good college level writing? It'd be great to see what's expected and make sure I'm on the right track. Thanks for any help!

a year ago

Hey there! Improving your writing skills for college is a great goal, and it's good that you're seeking examples to help you get on the right track. Here are a few resources to check out for quality college-level writing examples:

1. College websites: Many college English or Writing departments have samples of student-written work on their websites. It's an excellent place to see what kind of writing is expected. Look for writing samples or student publications, such as school newspapers.

2. CollegeVine: CollegeVine has a collection of college admissions essays submitted by real students, which you can find here:

3. Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL): The OWL ( offers guidance and resources for academic writing, including sample papers for various citation styles.

4. The Atlantic or The New Yorker: These publications often feature in-depth, thought-provoking essays written on a college or professional level. Reading these essays can help you refine your writing style and understand how professional writers craft their pieces.

5. Google Scholar: Search for academic articles and papers in your area of interest—many of these papers will be written by college students or professors and will give you a sense of the research, argumentation, and citation skills required for college-level writing.

Remember that different types of writing will have different expectations—college essays will be more personal, research papers will be more objective and fact-based, and opinion pieces can showcase your voice and point of view. Familiarize yourself with these different styles and practice regularly, asking for feedback and revising your work. Good luck on your writing journey!

a year ago

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