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Need help with extracurricular activities

Hey, can anyone give me a complete list of extracurricular activities that are popular among high school students? I'm trying to get more involved in school and community events. I'm a junior and hoping to strengthen my college application. Thanks!

a year ago

Hello! Of course, it's a great idea to get more involved in extracurricular activities both for personal growth and to strengthen your college application. Here's a list of popular extracurriculars among high school students. Note that you should choose activities that genuinely interest you and match your passions:

1. Academic clubs (e.g., Math Club, Science Olympiad, Model UN, Debate Team)

2. Arts-related clubs (e.g., Art Club, Drama Club, Dance, School Band/Orchestra/Choir)

3. Athletics (e.g., Varsity Sports, Intramural Sports)

4. Community service organizations (e.g., Key Club, Interact Club, Habitat for Humanity, Local Volunteer Opportunities)

5. Cultural clubs (e.g., Spanish Club, French Club, Black Student Union)

6. Student government (e.g., Class Officer, Student Council)

7. Special interest clubs (e.g., Chess Club, Robotics Club, Anime Club, Environmental Club)

8. Peer tutoring or mentoring programs

9. School newspaper, yearbook, or literary magazine

10. Part-time jobs or internships

11. Independent projects or research (e.g., writing a novel, conducting a scientific research project)

12. Summer programs or camps related to your areas of interest

Remember, it's not about the quantity of extracurricular activities you participate in, but rather the quality of your involvement, dedication, and personal growth. So, focus on a few activities you are passionate about and aim to make a meaningful impact within those activities. As you become more dedicated to your chosen activities, try to take on leadership roles or work on projects that showcase your skills and achievements. Good luck!

a year ago

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