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Harvard Early Action deferral rate?

Hey guys, I'm planning to apply to Harvard through Early Action, but I'm a bit worried about the deferral rate. Does anyone know what percentage of EA applicants typically get deferred? Would love to hear your insights!

8 months ago

Hello! Applying through Early Action can be a strategic choice for many students. Regarding the deferral rate at Harvard, it's important to know that numbers can vary year-to-year based on the applicant pool. However, generally speaking, in recent years, Harvard has deferred around 70-80% of EA applicants to be considered in the Regular Decision round.

Keep in mind that a deferral doesn't necessarily mean it's the end of the road; it just means that your application will be reviewed again alongside the Regular Decision pool. Therefore, being deferred can still offer you a chance to demonstrate your continued interest in attending Harvard and update them with any new accomplishments since submitting your Early Action application.

To maximize your chances, make sure to present the strongest application possible, highlighting your achievements, academic rigor, and extracurricular activities, as well as crafting a compelling personal statement. Good luck with your application!

8 months ago

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