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How much do colleges care about ACT writing scores?

Hey, guys! I'm just wondering, how much weight do colleges give to the ACT writing scores during the admissions process? Does it significantly impact my chances of getting in? Thanks in advance!

8 months ago

Hi there! ACT Writing scores typically don't carry as much weight in the admissions process as your composite ACT score or your performance in individual sections. Most colleges focus primarily on your overall score and how it aligns with their accepted students' average scores.

However, the role of the ACT Writing score may vary by college or university. Some schools might use it as an additional piece of information about your writing skills, while others may not consider it at all. Generally speaking, a high ACT Writing score won't significantly improve your chances of admission, but a very low score might raise some concerns about your writing abilities.

It's important to keep in mind that colleges use a variety of factors when evaluating applicants, including grades, standardized test scores, extracurricular activities, essays, and more. As long as your ACT Writing score isn't alarmingly low, its impact on your application should be minimal. It's more crucial to focus on other aspects of your application, such as maintaining a strong GPA and demonstrating commitment to extracurricular activities.

If you're concerned about your writing skills or ACT Writing score, consider putting extra effort into your college application essays. A compelling and well-written essay can help offset any potential concerns about your writing abilities.

Good luck with your college applications!

8 months ago

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