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Writing about cultural identity in a college essay?

I've been thinking a lot about my cultural background and how it's shaped me. I'm considering writing my college essay about it, but I'm not sure if it's a good topic. What do y'all think? Have any of you written essays about your cultural identity?

8 months ago

I think writing about your cultural background can be a fantastic topic for a college essay, as long as it is presented in an authentic and personal way. Reflect on how your cultural identity has shaped your experiences, values, or perspective and find a unique angle that can set your essay apart from others.

To successfully write about your cultural background, avoid cliché topics such as adjusting to a new place or learning a new language. Instead, dig deeper and consider sharing personal stories or specific moments that have had a significant impact on your identity and development. You can also discuss how you've contributed to or embraced your cultural heritage in a meaningful manner.

When drafting your essay, focus on telling a compelling story that effectively showcases your personality and passion, as well as your ability to think critically and communicate effectively. Additionally, make sure to highlight your growth and connect these experiences to your future goals or aspirations.

Remember that the purpose of the essay is for the admissions officers to learn more about you as an individual, so use your cultural identity as a framework to showcase who you truly are and what sets you apart from other applicants. Good luck!

8 months ago

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