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Jumping straight to Calc BC?

Is it possible to take AP Calculus BC without taking Calculus AB first? I feel confident in my math skills and want to challenge myself, but I'm not sure if it's a smart move. Thoughts?

a year ago

It is totally possible to take AP Calculus BC without taking Calculus AB first, especially if you feel confident in your math skills and are ready to challenge yourself. Many students who have a strong foundation in Pre-Calculus or Trigonometry decide to go directly to Calculus BC, as the class covers all the material in Calculus AB plus additional advanced topics.

Before making this decision, it's crucial to evaluate your mathematical abilities and discuss your plan with your math teacher or counselor to ensure that you're prepared for the rigor of Calculus BC. Keep in mind that Calculus BC often moves at a quicker pace than Calculus AB and assumes some fundamental understanding of calculus principles.

Another important aspect to consider is your long-term academic goals and how they align with taking Calculus BC. For example, if you're planning to pursue a STEM-related major, having a solid foundation in calculus can be particularly valuable. However, if math isn't your primary focus, you might want to weigh the benefits and potential drawbacks of jumping straight to Calculus BC.

Ultimately, the decision to jump directly to Calculus BC depends on your individual aptitude and motivation. If you believe you can handle the workload and succeed in this more advanced course, taking on the challenge could be a rewarding experience that demonstrates your dedication and skill in mathematics to colleges and universities.

a year ago

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